The victims from indigenous tribe called “Dumagat”, namely: Rolan Corpuz, 20; Jun-jun Acleto, 17; Ricky Torres, 21; Lolit Agbayani; and a local trader who is Edwin Buryo, 30+, of Barangay Mukalapa were abducted at around 6:00pm on December 1, 2009 happened in Barangay Dikapinisan while staying in a house of a certain “Jun”, after days of hunting nest of a rare bird called “Layang-layang”.
According to the victims, they were surprised when they were apprehended by around 10 fully-armed military personnel without any reason. They said that they were frisked by the military and asked them to present a residence certificate for their identification. After they failed to present a residence certificate, the military brought them to their detachment. At said place, they claimed that they were tortured.
The victims said that they were tied separately in four cornered posts of the detachment. The military told them to cooperate and confirm their knowledge about the New Peoples’ Army (NPA) in the area. They even offered Rolan P10,000.00 as a reward once he reveal the place where armed rebels kept their ammunitions. He appealed to the military that they do know nothing about it and that they were in the area just for hunting. Irked with his answer, the interrogator choked Rolan. After a few seconds, he was pushed and simultaneously kicked in the chest, stomach and back by two military personnel. Then the military took their attention on Ricky. He was also kicked several times in different parts of the body which was witnessed by Rolan. Jun-jun on the other hand was punched in the stomach and was whipped by a certain “Sergeant Moreno” using a steel pipe. The military threatened to kill each one of them if they unable to divulge any knowledge about the armed rebel group. At this stage, Rolan was terrified and eventually forced to admit that he is a NPA member.
On December 2, the victims were accompanied by the military towards the mountain they called “Balagbag” in Barangay Alasanay to search for the firearms supposedly buried by Rolan. The military tied their waist and hands by a rope to ensure that they will not escape. They were with the military for two days in the forest and were also forced to act as guide in identifying the NPA’s hideouts.
On December 3, 2009, Lolit and Rolan were able to escape from their captors. Rolan was able slip down a cliff near a river away and immediately went towards a small passenger vessel going towards Brgy. Kabog. Rolan went right away to the place of Fr. Pete Montallana in Barangay Ibona to call for help. Rolan said that until now he has no information as to where Lolit is including her present situation.
On December 5, Jun-jun, Ricky and Edwin were released by the military.
Rolan, Jun-jun and Edwin are presently here in Manila and in custody of Fr. Pete Montallana who is planning to file charges against the perpetrators together with other non-government organizations.
Contact Person:
Rommel Yamzon, RDIP-Luzon
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)
45 St. Mary Street, Cubao Quezon City
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